Monday, November 9, 2009

Grandma's Christmas Present

So Christmas is getting closer! I'm almost done with all my Christnmas gifts for this year. I have all the ones i"m buying done, but a few people I'm cooking for and I'm doing that the week before Christmas so it's fresh :-)
I thought I'd share3 with you what I made for my grandma (we call her Maw-maw). Well, last January my great Grandma passed away from a blood clot :'(. It was really hard on everyone because we all loved her, but it was especially hard on my grandma (it was her mother) because she was very close and it was a very, very unexpected death. Just after she passed, Maw-maw asked me if I wanted any of her clothes (since I sew a lot and like to make things out of old clothes). I found the cutest shirt and took it. I soon realized that it would make a wonderful present for Maw-maw... Just done up a bit.
I decided to make a pillow case for a throw pillow for her.

Here's what it looks like:

The Front^

The Back^

The Still Fully Functional Pocket^

Just a random angle :-)^

So it started out as just a regular button up shirt, I made the ruffle out of the sleeves of the shirt and sewed it on. The buttons are also still fully functional so Maw-maw (who is very obsessed with clean :-) ) can un-button the cover and wash anytime she wants.
I was also thinking about adding a picture of my great grandma that would be printed on fabric-paper and sewed on the back.

Anyway, that's all for now :-)


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