Tuesday, September 15, 2009


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Just thought I'd share a little of my favorite music with ya'll :)

Rocky and Bullwinkle

This is just a hilarious a clip from the Rocky and Bullwinkle show that I found on YouTube. Hilarious clip :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Post Numero Uno

Hello, My name is Courtney and I am 16 (obviously) and I just needed some where to blab to. I really don't have anyone to blab to so I thought random people I don't are as good as any to talk to. I'm fairly normal as far as the events of my life go, (although not in any other aspect of my life) so don't expect some exceptionally wonderful blog full of amazing things. I'm just gonna talk about my thoughts and stuff... Although I suppose that's what most people blog about and what you'd be expecting anyway.

So I figured my first post should be amazing and awesome so I made a picture to show my thoughts of the day:

I always thought Scion XBs looked like toasters.... Don't you think so?

In case you couldn't tell, I had a lot of profound wonderful things on my mind today :-P